Three Tech Features To Seek In A Used Car

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About Me

Cars Are Fun to Drive and Maintain If you don't know how to drive or if you are afraid of opening up the hood of your car so you can tinker with the engine, you are in the right place. I started this blog because I don't want anyone to miss out on the fun of maintaining and driving their own auto. I am not a professional and I don't work in the automotive industry. However, for the past 10 years, I have been repairing and driving cars as I have travelled around Australia. I hope that the words I have written here will inspire you to get involved with your car.




Not every person can afford to buy a new car, but that does not mean you have to settle for a substandard vehicle just because you are buying a vehicle which is used. Technology in vehicles changes annually with new safety features being introduced all the time. So, what are the best tech features to look out for in a vehicle? These three should be high on your "want" list.

Bluetooth Sync

There are two great reasons why you want a Bluetooth sync function between your phone and your car:

  1. Once your phone and car audio system are paired together, you can use the Bluetooth function to answer your phone if it rings while you are driving, and this is a safe and legal way to use your phone on Australian roads;
  2. You can play your phone's music library through the car audio system which is particularly useful when you are out of radio station range.

When it comes to safety features, you can't go past interactive safety systems.

Interactive Systems

In recent years there have been some magnificent advances in braking and alert systems. From audio alerts when you stray out of your lane to warning systems when someone walks behind your reversing car, look for the best interactive system you can afford. The newer the car is, the higher the interactivity of the safety system. You can even buy vehicles now that will brake for you if they sense danger ahead. These systems save lives of both the vehicle occupants and those around you.

Once you know what you want in a safety system, then you need help to figure out where you're going.

Navigation Aid

Gone are the days when you need to hold your mobile phone in one hand so you can follow the directions of Google Maps to get to your destination. Inbuilt navigation systems with screens built into the dashboard are now a common commodity in many vehicles. The ability to use this type of map rather than using your phone is a much safer option as it means you can keep your eyes on the road and both hands on the steering wheel.

These three top tech features make driving around in your used car comfortable and safe, so speak to your local car dealer to see how many of these you can get for the price range you have. The dealer will find the perfect used car for your needs.

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